Life Ed – It’s Your Call

Yesterday 5/6A visited the Life Ed Van. We learnt about making good decisions, different types of drugs (harmful drugs, medicine drugs, illegal drugs and legal drugs) and appropriate ways of using social media. We also heard some jokes from Harold.

Explain what you learnt from your visit to the Life Ed Van.


Inquiry Checklist – Appropriate Use Of Social Media

5/6 Unit Inquiry Checklist Term 1 2014 – Appropriate use of Social Media





Mind Map: Individual

Explore the purpose, benefits, types of social media and cyber bullying. It needs headings, subheadings and detailed information. This is to be drafted and then published carefully by hand or on SIMPLE MINDS or Kidspiration.




Inquiry Question: As a group.

Open-ended question which you and your group can inquire about. You must have conferenced with your teacher about the question and it cannot be changed once it has been decided on.




Hypothesis: As a group

Group predicts an answer for their inquiry question.



Seed: Individually

You need to unpack a seed based on your essential question… Your seed will assist you in writing a persuasive piece draft.




Persuasive piece of writing (individual) Use your seed to draft and then publish a convincing persuasive piece of writing that must have a hook in/introduction, 3 supported arguments and a conclusion. Your draft must be checked by a teacher prior to publishing.




Data Collection & Presentation (Group)  Collect data about social media and present  the data in a appropriate  graph… You need to conference with your teacher about your data and chosen graph.




Script for a video (Group)

Use your mind map, essential question, seed, persuasive piece of writing and statistics to write a script for a video, which will promote the appropriate use of social media.



Video (Group)

You must use your script and ICT to create your video, which will promote the appropriate use of social media. You must conference with your teacher prior to beginning your video. Your video will be downloaded to YouTube and put on class blogs.



Presentation: As a group

You will present this project to an audience. They will ask you about your inquiry question so make sure you know how to answer it well!




Appropriate use of social media: Benefits, types and dangers!

Last week we learnt lots of interesting things about social media. Use the images and links below to learn more about the purpose, benefits, types and dangers of social media. You will be able to use some of this information to come up with your essential question, add to your mind map and when constructing your seed for a persuasive peice.